Do you like learning trivia about birds? I do! Hover directly below a "learn about {bird type}" to read an interesting fact about a feathered creature! This project is for everyone who likes birds, or wants to know more about them.
Learn about pigeons:
Pigeons can recognize human faces! Other birds can do this, as well. Crows, for instance, can remember a face for up to five-ten years!
Learn about condors:
California condors have wingspans so large, sometimes they are mistaken for small aircraft – "it's a bird... it's a plane... oh, wait, it is a bird!"
Learn about ostriches:
Ostriches have the largest eyes of any land animal! Another fact: they also lay the largest eggs of any bird on Earth!
Learn more about owls:
Not all owls hoot! For instance, Barn Owls make 'hissing' sounds, another type whinnies like a horse, and yet another sounds like (to those who've heard it) someone sharpening a saw!