
I love trivia! In fact, as I code this project, I am sitting next to an open trivia book, from which I will be pulling different trivia questions. A good trivia book is "Game Query" by The Economist (the magazine) – which is full of some very difficult, but answerable questions. Ask anyone I know, at some point, we're sure to have had a conversation that devolved into a Wikipedia fact-checking challenge! Instructions: Click on each 'question' box to reveal the answer below it – click again to re-hide it. All facts come from the book "1,227 Quite Interesting Facts to Blow Your Socks Off," which is quite an interesting title!

Question 1: Which country has the largest supply of gold in the world. Which has the second-largest?
Answer to Question 1: Switzerland has the world's largest gold supply, and Lebanon has the second-largest.
Question 2: What is the English transliteration of the Irish name for jellyfish?
Answer to Question 2: It turns out it's 'seal snot' – an accurate name for a creature that looks like...well...seal snot exactly!
Question 3: How much does the Internet weigh?
Answer to Question 3: As much as 'one large strawberry.' I'm not sure how they measured this or why they chose the strange reference for measurement!
Question 4: What bird can be trained to herd sheep?
Answer to Question 4: Ostriches! Wouldn't it be amusing if it were hummingbirds, though?